

In this section you will:

Record pre-recording packages
Record live show

You will need to submit:

5 raw files (using a GDrive link)
Post-production review
10 minute live show recording (on Soundcloud)

All pre-recorded material recorded and edited
C15 - 4TH JUNE (Phil's group)
G107 - 3RD JUNE
G120 - 3RD JUNE
C13 - 3RD JUNE

News Team

During P4 your news team should be recording your pre-record packages and editing them. You will get graded on the quality of content and also the quality of the audio.  So you need to make it interesting and suitable for the target audience, whilst sounding professional and sound good - no mic knocks or other unwanted sounds, right audio levels and consistency of audio. Therefore, your group needs to implement quality control strategies to ensure every part of recording is to the highest quality.

Live Team

During P4 your team needs to learn to use the software (mixxx) and the mix desk. This takes lots and lots of practice to master and use efficiently. One wrong button press or mistake and you could have dead air - nobody wants dead air! Therefore, if you are not helping your news team out, you should be practicing with the software and equipment.

Live recording

Unless there is a big technical hiccup (anything outside of your control) you will get given a slot for your live show and that will be your only submission, so you need to nail it first try. This is why practice is so important. Photos needs to be taken as evidence. 

After your live recording you need to export it and put it on to either Soundcloud or YouTube then link it to your blog.


Individually, you need to complete this review sheet after your live recording. Once completed, screenshot and put on your blog.

Your blog should contain

5 raw files (using a GDrive link)
Post-production review
10 minute live show recording (on Soundcloud)
